Account ID: pub-2276572159567559 Client ID: ca-pub-2276572159567559 Worldwide: Save the Environment Account ID: pub-2276572159567if559 Client ID: ca-pub-2276572159567559

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Dear sir, Welcome You tube channel ( worldwide YouTube Channel) My name is Sandeep Kumar I am Graduate , Jaipur university, Rajasthan, India. I am leaving in Ahmedabad. I am Business man, my business name is GMR Enterprises. Thanks n Regards, Sandeep Kumar.


Account ID: pub-2276572159567559
Client ID: ca-pub-2276572159567559


Account ID: pub-2276572159567559
Client ID: ca-pub-2276572159567559

Wednesday 29 August 2018

Save the Environment

Six Methods:- Save the Environment

Make conscious choices to lower your consumption of water.:-
 Conserving water not only helps save our resources for future generations, it can save you   money on your water bill as well. Little things you can do to save water include:-
·         Taking 5-minute showers or only filling the bathtub one-quarter to one-third of the way full.
·         Turning off the faucet while you are brushing your teeth.
·         Using urinals in public restrooms when they are available (for men and boys).
Wash only full loads of laundry in the washing machine to reduce waste.:-
 Putting just a couple of dirty clothes into the washing machine uses extra electricity and   wastes water. To save on electricity and reduce waste, wait until you have a full load of dirty clothes before running your machine.
·         If you only have a small load of clothes, wash them by hand instead.
·         Alternatively, consider investing in a high-efficiency washing machine.

Run your dishwasher only when it is completely full.:-
 Dishwashers not only use a lot of water, they use extra energy to heat the water up. Expect to save an average of Rs.2720.00 on your bills and prevent over 100 pounds (45 kg) of carbon pollution each year by only washing full loads.
·         If you only have a few dishes to wash and are washing by hand, use a plug to fill the sink about one-quarter of the way full. Don’t allow the tap to continuously run while you wash and rinse.

Install low-flow plumbing fixtures to help save water with every use. Consider putting low-flow faucets or faucet aerators in your kitchen and bathroom sinks, and low-flow shower heads and toilets in every bathroom in your home. A low-flow shower head can cost as little as Rs.680.00, but can reduce your water consumption by 30-50%.
Use a pool cover if you have an outdoor swimming pool:-
Using a cover will greatly reduce the amount of water that evaporates and thus the amount of water that is needed to refill the pool. The more the water in your pool evaporates the more water you need to use to fill the pool back up. Without a cover, you will use 30-50% more water.
·         For an affordable option, use a bubble-style solar cover; for a longer-lasting cover, try vinyl.
RECYCLE to lower the amount of environmental waste you produce:- 

Aim to recycle as much glass, metal, plastic, and paper as you can. If your area offers curbside recycling, use it. If your area doesn’t offer curbside service or if you have items not accepted for the regular service, take a special trip to a recycling center that is convenient for you.
·         Check the rules and regulations in your area to ensure you are recycling properly. For instance, some areas may not accept glass and some places may require you to separate your materials.
·         If you are required to separate your materials beforehand, get your children involved if you have them. Children often enjoy separating items and this teaches them to be environmentally conscious as well.

Dispose of hazardous waste properly:-

Many materials including fluorescent light bulbs, cleaning products, pharmaceuticals, pesticides, automotive fluids, paint, and e-waste (most anything with batteries or a plug) require special disposal. These items should never be thrown away in a landfill, sanitary sewer, or storm drain.
·         Do not use helium to inflate party balloons. Fill balloons with regular air and then hang them appropriately. Teach children (ages 8 and up) to blow up their own balloons, as they usually will find this to be more fun than using helium. Always pop balloons before throwing them away.

·         Contact your local waste management office for proper disposal options.

Thanks & Regards,
Sandeep Kumar

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